My pregnancy timeline

Lilypie Pregnancy tickers

Monday, March 28, 2011

20 week appointment/ ultrasound

We went to the 20 week appointment and ultrasound today, it was awesome!

First we had to do a bunch of paper work and then came the ultrasound!

At the ultrasound she started measuring baby A first, the head, bones, checking organs and all that good stuff. She verified all the hands and feet and what not and then went for the gender check. But of course baby A had its hands between it's legs so she said she'd get back to it, so the suspense lingered on!

Then she did the same thing with baby B, measured everything and checked organs and right away discovered it was a boy! We were really hoping we'd have at least one girl, so the suspense was really intense now, especially since we werent sure if the tech was going to be able to find out the gender of baby A or not!

But she went back to baby A and jiggled her around a little and searched for a couple minutes and finally discovered baby A is a girl! We're both so happy!! Now we just have to figure out names! Archer and Abigail are still top names, but now im thinking we'll have Brody, Abby, and Archer... and it seems like we should have another name ending in 'Y' to keep the flow going... I dont know!! So obviously my goal over the next few days is to get some names figured out!!

So in the end, both the babies are measuring 20 weeks and 2 days, which is EXACTLY where they should be, and both weighing in at about 12 ounces. The boy is about one gram heavier then the girl :) And everything looked totally normal and healthy!!

After the ultrasound I had my regular 20 week appointment and my doctor is VERY nice and knowledgable. He said that even though my due date is August 13th, he would be surprised if I'm still pregnant in August. He said we're probably looking more towards the last two weeks in July. He also said as long as we can make it to the middle of June (around June 16th or 17th), then the babies should be in the clear for a full bill of health! AND he said i was good to fly to oregon for my baby shower in May since Ill still be early enough and it isnt a long flight. :) So baby shower is scheduled for May 14th at Amy Brown's house, invitations should come shortly :)

Ben posted part of the ultrasound in the previous posting if you want to see that (there might be technical problems with the video since its the first time we've tried posting a video!)... and now some ultra sound pics:

This is baby B, and proof its a boy!

Baby boy's profile!

And baby A, and proof its a girl!!

Baby girl's foot and leg

20 Week Ultrasound!

Baby "A" is a girl, and baby "B" is the boy! Everything is perfectly normal, and they weigh 12 ounces a piece.

Monday, March 21, 2011

Eat my placenta?

I have an app on my iPhone with a baby forum that I browse and ask questions on a lot... and yesterday a woman posted on there asking if anyone knew how much it costs to keep your placenta after birth and have it turned into pills to take. It's like prenatal vitamins for after birth made from your insides! Then she asked if that was super expensive, if anyone knew how she could COOK her placenta and just eat it!!!

I'm all for people making their own choices and if you wanna be 'all natural' and eat your own insides I guess that's your business.... but, EW! Come on, if you've seen what a placenta looks like you would know how horribly disgusting the idea of eating it is! Even taking it in pill form, just seems too Hannibal Lector style for me!

Maybe I could sell my TWO placentas to that lady and she can eat mine too! ha ha... but no, not really ;)

Monday, March 14, 2011

Possible Names...

So these are some name ideas we have so far:

Two girls: Lucy and Abigail (Abby)
Two Boys: Hunter and Archer
One boy, One girl: Abigail (Abby) and Archer

I like them all alot, but we'll see if we change our minds at all once we actually the genders of the twins!

What do you all think?

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Early Ultrasound

So far I havent felt too much movement, mostly just little flutters, but every once and a while I get a full on kick and its quite a suprise. Today tho I have felt the baby on my right side kicking alot! Which is very cool since during the ultrasounds I've had the baby on my right side was fairly still and just chillin :)

Here's some ultrasound pics from my 12 week ultrasound:

It looked like they were pushing each other back and forth, like they were fighting over more room ha ha

This is "baby A", the one on my right side... baby was very relaxed and easy to take pics of

This is "baby B", which was much more active during the ultrasound, even looked like the baby was standing up in my uterus ha ha

Belly Shots

So I started my belly shots a little late this time around, but Im going to do my best to make sure I get a new one every two weeks. And i think Im going to do one every week towards the end, because I never ended up with a final belly shot with Brody.

So here's my first at 15 weeks:

And here's 17 weeks, both sides so I can watch how my tattoo changes (or hopefully doesnt!)

(March 8th, 2011)

19 weeks... March 20th, 2010, not too much change in the last two weeks... but from what the baby books say it sounds like form here on out Ill start getting much bigger! Cross your fingers my tattoo doesnt get ruined!!

21 weeks (April 1st, 2011) ... and starting to feel very uncomfortable... already!!

23 weeks! (April 18th, 2011) And still no stretch marks! Keep your fingers crossed!

25 weeks! 4/29/2011... it's amazing how great some tanning lotion and a hair straightener can make you feel! ha ha!
Top side... bye bye feet!

Tattoo is still happy! Which makes me happy!

And still no stretch marks! Tho I really need to keep up on my bio oil applications! If I get stretch marks because ive been lazy about putting it on... well that would suck!